Monthly Archives: May 2005

AMD Releases Athlon X2 Processors

In case you haven’t heard, AMD released their new Athlon X2 processors today.  You can follow the link so I won’t bore you with the details.

This is really exciting news since AMD is first to market with the new multi-core technology.  Intel will follow but this really gives the development community something to look forward to.

Today’s processors are great but, in my opinion, represents the end of the line for what is possible with a single CPU.  Current processors can’t really get must faster so we need more processors and in this case more cores on a single processor.  This will force developers to be better at multiprocessing and multi-threading techniques and create some really fantastic applications.  The possibilities are endless.

Memorial Day Weekend Tech Fun

Well it’s almost a holiday weekend for us in the U.S.  I hope every enjoys the long weekend and remembers someone this weekend. 

I plan on installing Fedora Core 3 on an old Dell system this weekend, my first real attempt at a server running Linux.  I expect to use this system as a web server, mail server and database server.  The real experiment is how easy and feature-rich the LAMP concept is with an eye toward and inexpensive cluster in the future.  If all goes well I will also download and install MONO at the same time.  I am a C# developer by day and would like to explore C# on Linux, again as an avenue to cheaper server configurations.

I will report back how the install and configuration went and my overall thoughts on venturing into new territory.